Red White Blue Jello

by Alice Currah on Jun 30, 2016

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Prep time
20 minutes
Total time
20 minutes


  • One 6 oz. box blue colored Jello
  • 4 packets unflavored gelatin (Knox)
  • One 6 oz. box red colored Jello
  • One – 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk


  1. Spray a 13x9-inch baking pan with non-stick spray. Using a paper towel, gently go over the baking pan to make sure it is fully but lightly coated.
  2. Add 2 cups of boiling water to a large bowl. Add the blue Jello and 1 packet of Knox. Allow the Knox to gel up (1 minute). Stir until the Jello has completely dissolved. Equally divide the warm Jello between two containers.
  3. Place the baking pan in the refrigerator so it is level. Slowly pour one of the blue Jello filled container into the baking pan making sure the base is completely covered. Allow the Jello to cool and set in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. The remaining blue container should stay on the counter to cool off slowly.
  4. Add one cup of boiling water to a bowl. Sprinkle two packets of gelatin over the water and allow it to gel (1 minute). Stir in the condensed milk. Stir the water, milk, and gelatin until it has dissolved. Equally divide the mixture between 3 containers.
  5. Add 2 cups of boiling water to a large bowl. Add the red Jello and 1 packet of Knox. Allow the Knox to gel up (1 minute). Stir until the Jello has completely dissolved. Equally divide the warm Jello between two containers.
  6. Once the blue layer is set, add one of the white containers (make sure it is not warm but room temperature before adding) of milk Jello and make sure it is evenly distributed. Allow this layer to cool for 25 minutes.
  7. Add a cooled red layer once the white layer is set.
  8. Add a cooled white layer once the red layer is set.
  9. Add a cooled blue layer once the white layer is set.
  10. Add a cooled red layer once the white layer is set.
  11. Allow the Jello pan to cool for at least an hour before cutting into desired pieces.

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