Sausage Mushroom Breakfast Casserole
by Alice Currah on Dec 23, 2010
Christmas is a time of celebration and reflection for many people around the world. For children the excitement of waking up at the crack of dawn and anxiously running to see whats waiting for them underneath the Christmas tree is the highlight of the year.
Every Christmas morning my daughters wake up uncharacteristically and run to my bedroom to wake my husband and I up. (We have a rule that the kids cannot open up presents until the whole family is together.) They grab our hands to guide us to the living room to make sure we dont nod off again. Once we are all with either a hot coffee or hot chocolate we can begin our half hour of joyous chaos. One by one the kids open their Christmas gifts.
Our Christmas morning tradition would not be complete without something warm from the oven, such as cinnamon rolls or a breakfast casserole. Nothing beats the sweet and savory smells wafting from the oven letting us know breakfast is ready.
Earlier this week Aviva posted a great overnight blueberry baked French toast recipe. Today, I thought I would share my recipe for a savory breakfast casserole I prepare for my family every Christmas morning. The best part of the recipe is that it can be prepared the night before and baked in the morning. From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!