What is Espresso?
Oct 1, 2014
Espresso is simple enough: It's finely-ground coffee that's brewed under pressure, a-la-minute. You know, espresso, your morning ritual; your hands wrapped around a cup of warm deliciousness; a noisy coffee shop filled with chatter. Today more than ever, espresso and coffee culture play a big part in our lives.
And for baristas, one of the best things about this soul-nurturing, energy-providing cup of hot liquid is that it's almost infinitely customizable. Light roast, dark roast; cappuccino, latte; strong or mild for a product with only two or three ingredients in every cup, the possibilities are remarkably vast. It is the job of the barista to tune the elements to create the best tasting beverage.
So while you may love to roll your eyes at the bespectacled, bearded hipster delivering your $4 cup of joy every morning, don't. Tweaking and refining the espresso brewing process is a craft, like cooking, that requires knowledge, dedication, and talent. Want to learn firsthand? Visit ChefSteps.com for our free class on all things espresso.