Eggs Benedict
Jul 20, 2016
Every weekend, all over this great country, brunch spots serve up eggs Benedict by the dozens -- all while wrangling Byzantine Bloody Mary customizations and tantrum-prone toddlers and lines of hangry hipsters stretching out the door. How do they do it? Timing and technique. And believe us: you, too, can use timing and technique to serve up amazing eggs benny at home. When you plan ahead and can focus on one component of a dish at a time, a seemingly complex recipe doesn't just become doable; it becomes fun to make. As for the technique, we use sous vide for the eggs and sauce, eliminating the risk of overcooking the first and breaking the second. With those once-tricky ingredients on lock, we can home in on the rest of the dish and time things out to a T. Then, when the guests arrive, we can simply pour them some cocktails and invite them to the table for the best open-faced eggwiches of their mother sauce-loving lives.