Turkmen Plov
Jul 25, 2023
This recipe was created by Maral Artykova and featured on Pan Pals, a companion series for The Great American Recipe. Watch Pan Pals now on PBS Food!
- Course
- Entree
- Oxtails
- Soft beef meat
- Lamb tail fat
- Onions
- Carrots (yellow & orange)
- Garlic (full head)
- Rice
- Salt, pepper, chili powder/red chili, cumin
- Chickpeas
- Water
Render the lamb tail fat in a preheated kazan (Uzbek style Cauldron), the fat pieces will melt and give off the oil that will be used for cooking.
Fry ox-tails from all the sides and take them out. Add in sliced onions and fry until golden brown.
Add in the beef and the fried ox-tails | keep frying and letting the meet and onions mix and get soft | add in very little pre-sliced carrots and some cumin (for aroma). After about 10-15 mins, add in the carrots.
Once the carrots are half-soft, add hot water to cover all the ingredients. Let all of that simmer for an hour or so (or until the ox-tails are soft). Add salt, pepper, chili, and cumin seeds.
While "zirvak" which is the above "soup" is simmering, prep the rice by rinsing it no less than 7 times. After, we check the meat and it' tender, taste the salt level, and add the garlic and chickpeas.
Then add rice. Once all the water is absorbed in rice and is evaporated, and the rice is almost done, turn the stove off, and let it "steam."
Once the rice is done, it's all ready to be served. Serve with a salad (tomatoes and red onions).