Rollwich Recipe
Rollwich Recipe


by Marc Matsumoto on Jun 1, 2016

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32 pieces


  • 8 slices of bread
  • peanut butter
  • 2 bananas, sliced into quarters lengthwise
  • other fruit such as mangos, kiwi and strawberries sliced into sticks


  1. Slice the crusts off the bread.
  2. Place a slice of bread on a sushi mat and spread an even layer of peanut butter from edge to edge. This is important as the peanut butter acts as a glue that holds the roll together.
  3. Place some fruit at the edge of the bread closest to you.
  4. Roll the sandwich up using the mat to apply even pressure to the roll. Roll the sandwich back and forth a few times inside the sushi mat to make sure the roll is round. Repeat with the rest of the bread.
  5. Trim the ends off the rolls and then cut each roll into 4 pieces using a sharp knife.

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