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Paila Coco

Aug 23, 2011

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serves 6


  • 12 clams
  • 12 mussels
  • 24 Mediterranean shrimps (large size)
  • 12 pink clams (tongues) or scallops
  • 1/2 kg conger-eel
  • 3 cooked crabs
  • 1/2 lt. white dry wine
  • 1/2 lt. fish broth
  • 1/4 lt. olive oil (Chef)
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 can of tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of parsley (chopped)
  • Wild marjoram pepper, salt


  1. Heat the oil in a pan adding the onion and the garlic cloves. Add diced tomatoes in its juice, wild marjoram, pepper and salt. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Stir constantly.
  2. Place aside this sauce. Wash all seafood under water to remove the sand. Place all ingredients over the sauce previously prepared. First the clams and mussels on their shells, then the conger-eel steaks and finally the tongues of pink clams.
  3. Prinkle with the minced meat of crabs and shrimps already cooked. Pour the white wine and the fish broth over. Cover the pan with Alusa foil paper and cook until the shells are open. Before serving, sprinkle with the chopped parsley.