Fusilli Con Cime Di Rapa recipe
Fusilli Con Cime Di Rapa recipe

Fusilli Con Le Cime Di Rapa

by Marc Matsumoto on Feb 25, 2014

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2 servings


  • 175 grams (6.2 ounces) rapini (broccoli rabe)
  • 160 grams (5.6 ounces) fusilli
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 large clove garlic
  • 1 red chili pepper (peperoncino)
  • 2 large anchovy fillets


  1. Remove any tough leaves from the rapini and trim the tough ends off.
  2. Bring a large pot of well salted water to a boil. Boil the fusilli according to the package directions, but about 3 minutes before it's done, add the rapini so that they finish together.
  3. About a minute before the pasta is done, heat a large saute pan over medium high heat and add the olive oil, garlic, chili pepper and anchovy fillets. Fry, breaking up the anchovy until it dissolves into the oil.
  4. When the pasta is done, drain it and quickly transfer the rapini to a cutting board. Chop the rapini up into relatively small pieces.
  5. Add the rapini into the pan with the garlic and quickly saute before adding the pasta and tossing to coat evenly.
  6. If your pasta water was salted sufficiently you shouldn't need to add any salt, but give it a taste and adjust accordingly.

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