Cabbage Kimchi

by Cathlyn Choi on Mar 25, 2013

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6-8 servings


  • 1 head Chinese cabbage, sliced
  • 8 cups water
  • 1 1/4 cup coarse sea salt
  • 1 extra large green onion sliced
  • 1 brown onion sliced
  • half a daikon radish sliced

Kimchi sauce

  • 1/2 onion thinly sliced
  • 3 tbsp minced garlic
  • 2 tbsp minced ginger
  • 1/2 korean pear grated
  • 2/3 cup Korean chili flakes
  • 3 tbsp anchovy or fish sauce
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 cups water


  1. Dissolve the coarse sea salt with 8 cups of water in a large mixing bowl (or in the sink)
  2. Add the sliced cabbage and toss to mix
  3. Soak the cabbage for at least 2-3 hours in the salt water solution, until they soften (Toss every 30 minutes)
  4. In another bowl, make the kimchi sauce by combining all the ingredients
  5. Rinse the cabbage, drain and squeeze access moisture.
  6. Mix sliced onion, daikon radish, green onion and salted cabbage with Kimchi sauce
  7. Taste and adjust seasoning by adding more anchovy sauce or sugar.
  8. Transfer cabbage kimchi into a traditional onggi jar or Tupperware
  9. Pour 1/2 cup of water to the mixing bowl, give it a swirl and pour the liquid over the kimchi.
  10. Close the lid and leave it out in room temperature for 36 hours to ferment
  11. Store in the fridge and serve chille

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