Breakfast Sandwich

by John Barricelli on Aug 28, 2011

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Serves 1
Prep time
10 minutes
Total time
10 minutes


  • 1 whole-wheat English muffin
  • 1/2 tablespoon butter
  • 2 slices Canadian bacon
  • 1 or 2 slices Swiss cheese
  • 1 slice tomato
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper


  1. Preheat oven (or toaster oven) to 400°. Split English muffin; toast directly on oven rack. Transfer to a rimmed baking sheet (or toaster-oven tray). Spread muffin halves with butter.
  2. Layer bottom half with Canadian bacon, Swiss cheese, and tomato; sprinkle with coarse salt and ground pepper. Return to oven; bake until cheese has melted, about 5 minutes.
  3. Top with other muffin half.

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